
I'm trying to write more. I'm not only trying to keep a more consistent journal but even short stories and blog posts and stuff like that. From a young age, I've always liked reading and art, and for some reason, it's only hit me now that I have the ability (at least the physical ability) to start writing myself. So far, I'm doing a cutesy but bleak comic book thing that's going to be about little ghosts. As well, I'm trying to write two different screenplays for a short films and on top of that, I have what I believe to be a killer idea for a novel or something. I'm very excited to keep going on with these ideas because when I get inspiration or passion for something, I can physically feel it in my chest its almost like a shot of dopamine straight to the head. Stay tuned? Maybe? I'm always shy about sharing stuff I'm working on, let alone the finished result, but I'm slowly getting over it. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a lovely day (or night)!