
The starting piece of my series depicting pieces of guys looking away from the camera with their arms raised. This one is of Bill Murray in Sofia Copolla's film Lost In Translation, a film I'm quite conflicted on. (Mainly because the premise of it is so deeply unrelatable and I can't help but feel a little envious of the story told. But I must admit what it is getting at and how it transpires is beautiful, which is why I feel small in comparison.) This Film is/was deeply important to me growing up in terms of developing my tastes in art (Not only is it compositionally gorgeous and wonderfully shot and coloured it has one of the best soundtracks for a film that I can think of it almost makes me yearn for a time when movie soundtracks had their own physical releases David Lynch's Lost Highway also comes to mind when thinking about soundtracks) After thirteen year old me saw this movie for the first time it radicalized me into seeing love and relationships as this beautifully romantic thing that proved longevity wasn't the end all be all when it came to the impact of them (Which in retrospect gave me a bit of a mature edge on that front even though I still can't handle goodbyes, but I mean who can?) I was compelled to do this piece after a rewatch of the movie and the power of envy which wanted me to prove that I had the ability to capture the beauty of this film. As well, it was also a bit of a test/practice in perspective and lighting (as well as trying to capture water which felt seemingly impossible at the time) I'm very pleased with how this turned out and I don't hold the same envious weight as I did before in regard to this movie.